How to Navigate Through a Caulking Aisle

Q:  I just went to the caulking isle at the home supply store and was overwhelmed.  I simply want to caulk the back of the counter in my kid’s bathroom.

A:  Caulking is definitely something the average homeowner can do themselves, but the caulk isle can be intimidating.  Understand that this isle has varied colors per product (clear, white, almond and more) which multiplies the choices.

For the homeowner, you’ll primarily use a Kitchen and bath caulk (in the color of your choice), and painters caulk.  The K&B caulk has silicon and is not designed to be painted, is water resistant, and holds up well in wet areas.  Painters caulk is used to seal interior and exterior joints before painting, and thus is designed for paint to adhere to it.  Cheap caulk is $2-3 a tube, and good caulk is $3-5 a tube.  Get the good caulk.