When you go outside and look at your house, you see plenty of trim components, but you may not notice them all that much. Trim is one of those things we just expect to be there, so our eyes tend to pass right over it without stopping, but when it's obviously damaged or missing altogether, it becomes a big eyesore that we can't help but notice. But it's not all about curb appeal. Damaged or deteriorated exterior trim can cause some serious problems for a home, including water damage that can lead to structural damage. Don't let that happen when you could simply call your local, qualified Tulsa handyman at Mr. Handyman of Greater Tulsa to take care of your trim repair services.

If you've seen some signs that indicate your residential or commercial property is in need of exterior trim repair in Tulsa, the experienced team of service professionals at Mr. Handyman of Greater Tulsa are here to help!

Our Dependable Services for Tulsa Exterior Trim Repair

The category of "exterior trim" encompasses all the exterior components of a house that are designed to finish and cover places where different materials meet, such as a window or door trim that covers the gap between the siding and the window or door itself. It's also used in places where materials change direction, like the corner of a house where there's a seam between panels of siding that meet at the corner. Along with window and door frames, that could include drip caps, frieze boards, pediments, and louvers. Some types of homes, such as Victorian-style houses, have elaborate decorative trim such as cornices, corbels, spindles, shutters, and scalloped gables. Trim also typically includes soffit boards and fascia boards.

While some of these components are purely decorative, most are not. They block moisture penetration and pest infestations at vulnerable points on a building, so it's important to make sure they're in good condition. Here are some of the most common issues our handyman professionals encounter when they're called for Tulsa exterior trim repair:

  • Wood Rot: It's no secret that outdoor wood trim is vulnerable to rot since it is exposed to the elements and, therefore, can have an elevated moisture content necessary to produce rotted wood. Wood rot repair for minor instances of rot can be done with epoxy wood filler, but for extensive rot, wood replacement is the better option. While cedar wood is rot-resistant, other soft wood types like pine and spruce require routine sealing or staining.
  • Peeling Paint: If you see exterior paint flaking off trim or peeling away in strips, especially on wood, that's a sign of moisture damage that should be corrected before wood rot sets in. We can strip off the remaining paint and apply a fresh coat, then follow it with sealant to block out moisture in the future.
  • Rust and Corrosion: A lot of exterior trim, especially flashing, is made from metal that can, of course, deteriorate and rust. If the problem is caught relatively early, your Tulsa handyman can likely correct it by removing the rust and applying an anti-rust coating.
  • Gaps and Cracks: Since one of the key functions of the exterior trim is to keep out water, air drafts, insects, and other potential damage-causing factors, it stands to reason that cracked trim, gaps, and missing pieces are a bad sign. In this case, the exterior trim repair usually involves replacing missing or damaged pieces.

Choose Mr. Handyman for Expert Exterior Trim Repair in Tulsa

When you need Tulsa exterior trim repair, count on the team of qualified handyman experts at Mr. Handyman of Greater Tulsa. We are true professionals with the experience and skill to deliver outstanding quality of service and long-lasting results. Aside from exterior trim repair, we offer a wide range of other services such as window repair, drywall repair, fence repair, and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tulsa Exterior Trim Repair

Have questions about Tulsa exterior trim repair? Give us a call anytime to get the answers you're looking for, or check out our replies to a couple of common questions.

What Are the Signs That Exterior Trim Repair is Needed?

Along with the common issues of wood rot, peeling paint, rust, and gaps or cracks that are mentioned above, the signs that you need Tulsa exterior trim repair services include:

  • Fading due to sun exposure
  • Dents and scuffs
  • Holes
  • Pest infestations
  • Wildlife damage like woodpecker holes
  • Mildew, algae, or other organic growth
  • Bulging or warping
  • Air drafts from the door or window frames

If you see these types of indications on trim boards or other parts of your house’s exterior, it's a good idea to call your local handyman for exterior trim repair. Tulsa’s climate is of the humid subtropical variety, which means that high moisture levels can easily wreak havoc on exterior structures. It may not seem like that big of a deal, but trim has a major role to play in protecting your building against all sorts of issues, and when it is damaged or deteriorated, it can cause a lot of serious issues.

Do Clogged Gutters Cause Exterior Trim Damage?

Homeowners aren't always aware of the connection between gutter cleaning and keeping their exterior trim in great shape. When gutters are clogged with debris like dead leaves and pine needles, the water can't get through and spills over the edge instead. That causes water damage issues for all the parts of your home's exterior, including exterior trim, which is often made of wood.

Keeping gutters clean and well-maintained is a really important task to avoid all sorts of problems, including damaged exterior trim. If you're not up to the task of getting up on a ladder and scooping all that muck out of your gutters, count on the team at Mr. Handyman to take care of it for you quickly and easily.

Call Your Local Handyman Experts for Tulsa Exterior Trim Repair

Do you need exterior trim repair in Tulsa or a nearby community such as Broken Arrow, Sand Springs, Owasso, Collinsville, Bixby, or Jenks? The reliable team at Mr. Handyman of Greater Tulsa is the best choice for experienced, trustworthy repair, maintenance, and installation services. Give our friendly customer service representatives a call to find out more about our services or schedule a service appointment with our qualified handyman professionals.

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