Make Your Room Soundproof with These Easy Steps

Last Edited: 9/15/23

Person holding a white soundproof foam panel against a wall.
Modern life is noisy. Whether it’s the dull roar of nearby highway traffic or your neighbor’s barking dog, too much noise can disturb sleep and make peace-and-quiet seem like a relic of the past.

Not only is it annoying being bombarded with constant noise, it’s unhealthy. Studies have found a significant link between environmental noise exposure and high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.

That’s why learning how to make a room soundproof may be a lifesaver! (Interesting side note: the word “noise” originates from Latin word nausea, meaning “discomfort, seasickness.”)

How to Block Noise from Outside

Outside noises seep into our homes through windows, walls and exterior doors. If you’re trying to block noise from a temporary situation – a raucous lawn party across the street, for example –placing a mattress against the door and hanging thick blankets over the windows may be enough do the trick.

Another temporary option is to use window plugs, which can be placed and removed as needed. Window plugs can be made with a thin wooden board, a soundproof or rubber mat, and acoustic foam.

If you’re seeking a more permanent way to block outside noise, consider these tips:

  • Install heavy thermal curtains over windows or, for better results, use soundproof drapes that lie flat against the window.
  • Hang a heavy blanket or curtain over exterior doors. (You can purchase soundproof blankets to fit doors.)
  • Use acoustical caulk or noise-proofing sealant to seal window and door trim. Regular caulk shrinks as it dries and may crack, but special acoustical sealants remain flexible and provide better sound blockage.
  • Place thick draft-stoppers under exterior doors or install a rubber door sweep for larger gaps.
  • If you don’t already have a storm door, install one to add an extra layer (“dead air space”) of sound protection to your exterior door.
  • Install soundproof windows or add window inserts (clear panes of acrylic or glass) over existing windows to create a more airtight seal, reducing both incoming noise and drafts.

Implementing these soundproofing strategies will also serve to upgrade your home’s energy-efficiency, as many double as energy-efficiency improvements.

How to Soundproof a Room

Making a room entirely “soundproof” may not be practical, but there are ways to greatly reduce noise transfer from room to room – and improve acoustics while you’re at it. Filling in gaps or holes where sounds leak, minimizing vibrations and using sound-absorbing materials will help keep noise levels in check.

Before you take steps to make a room soundproof, identify your objective: Are you seeking to create a quiet space to work or sleep? Or, are you the noisy one trying to keep the din from escaping your room? Think about the types of noise you want to block and whether they are high or low frequency sounds. Do you really need soundproofing or do you want to improve acoustics to record podcasts or videos?

Since some materials and strategies work better for specific sound issues, knowing what you want to accomplish is essential.

Soundproofing materials work by repelling or deflecting sound wave