Grab bar installations may not be the most exciting home repair project, but they are essential for safety and mobility. While they may seem unnecessary for those who are used to life without them, they can prevent slips, falls, and future injuries, especially for those with impaired balance and mobility. Trust Mr. Handyman of Kanawha Valley when considering who to hire for your grab bar installation in Charleston, WV. 

Our service professionals have the expertise in installing sturdy grab bars and can provide the support needed for standing and preventing accidents for those who are recently injured or have mobility issues. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and installing grab bars in your home is a simple yet effective safety measure. 

With our local Charleston handyman, you can avoid potential accidents and injuries, giving you and your loved ones peace of mind. Don't overlook the importance of safety measures in your home. Trust Mr. Handyman of Kanawha Valley for expert grab bar installation services that ensure the safety and well-being of you and your family. 

Contact our team today to schedule a grab bar installation in Charleston, WV! Get the assistance you need with your daily routines and take a proactive step towards preventing accidents and injuries in your home by calling us right now!

About Our Grab Bar Installation in Charleston, WV

Individuals with disabilities who have limited mobility or struggle with daily living tasks are recommended to get a grab bar in Charleston, WV, to assist them. Our certified safety and mobility technicians will ensure to install your grab bars safely and securely. We can complete this in bathrooms where you need help getting in and out of bathtubs and showers and even assist you in getting on and off the toilet. 

There are many other areas of your house where these safety measures will come in handy for you and your family’s needs. Along with our popular service for grab bar installation in Charleston, WV, we also offer a wide range of safety and mobility services for your home, including wheelchair ramp installations, door knob modifications, stair lift installation, and remodeling services. 

Our team believes that a house should be built and remodeled for a person, and the person should not have to move to get all of their home requirements met. That’s why we focus on services for aging in place. As you get older in your Charleston home, you deserve to stay there for as long as possible. Don’t let aging get in the way of staying safe and mobile in your own home. Our local pros prioritize their elder and senior customers so that they can comfortably age in place. Aging in place allows you to remain connected to your community and improves your quality of life. Elderly home safety is of great importance to us, which is why we offer many mobility home modifications.  

Why Choose Mr. Handyman of Kanawha Valley?

We care about your safety and mobility at home. Our certified team is an expert in aging in place renovations and remodels. When you schedule a consultation and inspection service with us, we will provide you with recommendations, tips, and resources for safety improvements around your home. Mr. Handyman is committed to delivering guaranteed workmanship combined with superior customer service for homeowners in Charleston and the surrounding areas of St. Albans and Dunbar. You can rest assured that we provide quality service at affordable prices.

Along with our Charleston bar grab installation service, we also offer some of the following safety and mobility services:

  • Handrail and Guardrail Installation: This service goes hand in hand with a bar grab installation, except handrails are built for covering more surface area to support someone with walking. We can install handrails in your hallways, on your staircases, and in other areas of your home to help you prevent falls. Guardrail installations are helpful for staircases, second and third stories, or anywhere else in your home that can prevent falls.
  • Widening Doorways: We can make doorways wider so you are able to use a wheelchair or walker.
  • Shower Head Installation: If you are unable to reach or use your hands, we can install low-flow showerheads, giving you excellent water pressure while also making it easier for bathing.
  • Ramps Installation: We can install ramps in your home to assist wheelchair users or people who struggle with steps.
  • Universal Design Modifications: This can vary from lowering countertops, installing lever handles, raising toilet seats, assembling furniture, upgrading cabinets and door handles, and many other services that benefit the lives of persons with physical disabilities. 

When you’re ready to get started on your grab bar installation in Charleston, WV, request a service and experience the Mr. Handyman difference for yourself! Feel free to check out our customer reviews to see what past customers have to say about our professional handyman services.

FAQs About Grab Bar installation in Charleston, WV

What does aging in place mean?

Aging in place refers to the idea that your home should be remodeled to fit your needs rather than you moving to find a place that needs your needs. This service is designed for people who want to stay connected in their community, stay at home with their families, or simply want to grow old in their homes. We have services specifically designed for people who are seeking to age in place, offering safety and mobility features to your home.

Will my grab bar last for life?

One common concern about grab bars is their durability. In theory, grab bars should last forever with proper maintenance, such as keeping them clean, sealing the edges every so often, and getting them repaired if you notice or feel that they are loosening from the wall. While they are safe and reliable, certain weights cannot withstand a long-term grab bar installation. Charleston professionals at Mr. Handyman suggest the maximum weight to put onto a grab bar is 250 lbs.

Do grab bars rust?

Another concern is whether grab bars will rust over time since they are most commonly installed in showers, tubs, or near toilets. Thankfully, grab bars are typically made from stainless steel, making them resistant to rust and will remain in good condition for the long term. So, never worry about the cost of maintenance for your grab bars. 

Increase Safety at Home—Call Mr. Handyman for Grab Bar Installation in Charleston, WV

Everyone in West Virginia, whether it's disabled homeowners or elderly homeowners, deserves quality handyman services. If you or your loved ones require extra support in your home, call our trusted Charleston handyman team to get the necessary installation of grab bars to go about your daily affairs safely and efficiently. We are dedicated to providing essential support for individuals who require extra support in their homes. 

Along with our bar grab installations, we offer a variety of other services that can transform the lifestyle of seniors, people with physical disabilities, and anyone else who requires that extra boost to help you get out of bed in the morning. So whether you need some support getting off of the toilet, or want to hold onto something in the slippery shower, call our professionals at Mr. Handyman of Kanawha Valley to get your grab bar installation in Charleston, WV, today!

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