Why Adding a Playroom for the Grandkids Is a Great Idea

Grandfather and boy spending time together, playing with toy car.
Have you noticed your grandkids quickly get bored when visiting your home? While your living space may be beautiful, it may not be set up to spark creativity and fun for the grandkids. Perhaps it’s time to add a playroom they can enjoy, making each visit a fun adventure. In this article, we’ll share some kids’ playroom ideas to transform a room or corner of your home into a place to create special memories with your grandchildren.

Start with Your Grandkids’ Ideas

The best way to begin your project is to ask your grandkids what they envision for the playroom space. Rather than surprising the kids, encourage them to share their input on what the playroom should contain and other factors like a unique design and colors.

Whether you are turning the basement into a playroom or incorporating a family game room for older kids, including them in the process will create excitement and help them feel like part of the project.

Ensure You’re Not Excluded

Although the playroom is primarily for the grandkids, don’t forget to include yourself in the playroom-planning equation. You don’t want to end up with a playroom the kids love but then spend all their time in the new space rather than making memories with you.

Incorporate family games and activities you can do together in the playroom, so the space becomes a place for building meaningful connections with your grandchildren.

Safety Issues

Safety must be a top priority in your playroom project, especially if you have young grandkids. Taking care when selecting the flooring and furniture will ensure you have a space in which the children can play freely without risk of injury. Promote safety with:

  • Soft flooring
  • No sharp corners on furniture
  • No glass
  • Age-appropriate toys and games
  • Anchors to attach heavy furniture to walls
  • Covered electrical outlets


Keeping the new playroom well organized will ensure it doesn’t drive you crazy when the grandchildren are away. Implement cabinets with labeled drawers to make organization easy. Other considerations include built-in benches with storage and built-in bookshelves.

There are several creative toy storage ideas you can implement to maximize space and organization. If you have space for cabinets, give each grandchild a cabinet to store their personal belongings or favorite toys. Then, teach the grandchildren to put their items away after playtime to keep the playroom tidy.

Bring it All Together

Adding a playroom can make your home the go-to destination and a place your grandkids love to visit. It can also help you create some wonderful family memories and increase the quality of time you spend with your grandchildren. When you are ready to bring your playroom ideas to life, the pros at Mr. Handyman are ready to help! Our experts provide all the services you need to pick, design, and complete your playroom project. To get started, give us a call or request service online.