Mr. Handyman Would Like to Thank Some Amazing Hero’s

Mr. Handyman is proud to be labeled an essential service and we’re proud to be able to help the community in these difficult times. That said, our essential work doesn’t hold a candle to what’s being done by so many others. First responders, the medical community and the staff at the supermarket are at the top of the hero list. Like our military, these folks are knowingly, and willingly, putting themselves in harm’s way to serve the community they live in.

You are doing an awesome job, Thank You!

I was asked recently what I expected when we all emerge from our homes? Do past hurricanes offer any insight into what will follow this crisis?

While we won’t have trees down and electrical outages, I do believe we’ll see some similarities in these two events. After a significant storm there’s a sudden and significant need to get things done, and people of questionable character see the chance to make a quick buck. Will these same people make an appearance after our lock-down?

For many, especially the elderly, having strangers into their homes as simply wasn’t an option. Once we flatten the curve and the Safer at Home order is lifted, there may well be a post-hurricane-like peak in demand to resolve urgent needs that have been put on hold for a few months.

As always, know who you are working with. Check out their online reviews and reputation. Look for a solid company with a long track record for leaving customers satisfied. Guys knocking on doors offering a deal because they’re already in the Neighborhood often appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Good luck getting that guy to stand behind a warranty, whatever you have him do.

We’re not going to have the downed trees and damaged homes of a weather event, but there will be damage, nonetheless. Lives will have been lost and loved ones mourned. Some businesses won’t have the financial means to re-open. Jobs will be lost, dreams will be interrupted, but life must go on.

Please make the decision to engage with the people and companies that helped the community weather the storm. Buy a first responder or medical professional a cup of coffee, or a beer, when you get that opportunity. Visit the restaurants that kept staff employed and fed us all via carry out. Thank the staff at the supermarket that kept the shelves stocked so we could all get life’s necessities.

Many appropriately sheltered at home. Thank you, you were also part of solution to flattening the curve. Consider who you interacted with during this event, which still isn’t behind us, and be sure to patronize their business, say thank you, and pay it forward when this mess is behind us.

And if a home repair or improvement is on your list, Mr. Handyman would love to work with you.